A Rare Spirit

My grandpa has Alzheimer’s.

Just that one line breaks my heart in two. He is a person who has always accepted me as I am, proud of me no matter what I do. He was just proud to introduce me as his granddaughter. It is hard to use the words “is” and “was” in the same paragraph to describe him. Somedays he is here and somedays he doesn’t know who I am. 

Today was a good day. He knew who I was and told me over and over that he loved me very much. It made me so happy to hear it that it broke my heart at the same time. It’s a strange feelig to be with someone but feel like you’re saying good bye to them at the same time.

Every time I see him, I feel like I lose another part of him. But I take comfort in knowing that whatever part of him that is lost, I am taking it with me. I can only hope that I can take the best parts of him and incorporate them into my own being. He is the most amazing person I will ever meet; Few people have kindred spirits and I am lucky to have found a kindred spirit in him.

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March 26, 2013 · 2:42 am

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